
Living and learning. Trying to be honest most of the time

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello there, thanks for liking my post. Just wanted to let your know, your “savingsue.wordpress.com” blog address is not working. The only way I was able to get to this page was going back to my blog post, clicking on your picture where you “liked”, and being taken to your Gravatar page, which is “burningrays”. Taking a chance, I typed in “burningrays.wordpress.com”, and here I am! If you changed your web address recently, you may want to make sure it’s still not “savingsue.wordpress.com”. To do that, click on your pic at the top-right corner, click on Account Settings, and make sure your web address is the right one. I just know to do this from experience! I’ve made that mistake a couple times! Hope this helps.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you petitewise! I hadn’t realized my profile was showing the wrong blog address. And thank you for visiting my blog and taking your time to explain all of this to me, I really appreciate! 🙂 I’ve made the changes so it should read the proper blog address 🙂


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